I have accumulated a list of WODs that I want to do at some point in the future. This is one is of those WODs.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlifts, 155 lb.
Overhead squats, 115 lb.
It’s a classic push/pull WOD that will catch you during the round of 15 reps. But if you can hold on, you will definitely get through it. While I can do deadlifts at 155 lbs, I can’t do 45 reps of overhead squats at 115 lbs. So I scaled the weight for this WOD to 135 lbs for the deadlifts and 75 lbs for the overhead squats. It was tough, but I got through it.
Sam Briggs did in 3:52
I did it in 5:28