Nutrition Resources

When most people decide to change their eating, the most tempting thing is to jump on the latest diet or mode of eating. The important thing to do before starting any change in eating is to know your own body and your own health markers (i.e. blood pressure, cholesterol, vitamin D, thyroid, etc). There are so many metabolic factors to consider especially when it comes to some specific food protocols such as keto, AIP, the carnivore diet. I wrote a blog post about the perfect diet and what people should consider before starting a diet.
The USDA sets out guidelines for dietary needs every five years. The current guidelines are for 2015-2020 and they give “recommendations to help Americans make food and beverage choices that add up to an overall healthy eating pattern.” (source) .
Some additional reading:
- Intuitive Eating & The Intuitive Eating Workbook by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch
- Healthy Eating: Changing Your Eating Habits by Healthwise Staff, Kaiser Permanente
- The Core 4: Embrace Your Body, Own Your Power Hardcover by Steph Gaudreau – Coming July 30, 2019
Getting in movement on a daily basis is easier than most people think. Notice we say movement vs exercise. Doing things as simple as household chores, walking around the block and working in the garden get your body moving and promote better health. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recommends that adults spend “at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) to 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity.” (source)
One of the key things to remember is to be consistent and safe with whatever you do in terms of fitness. If possible, work with a coach through personal or group training to learn to move safely especially when you are learning to use machines, barbells or other fitness equipment. In addition always start each workout with an appropriate warm and remember to stay hydrated throughout the workout. Lastly, do exercise that you like. Exercise should never feel like a punishment or torture. You may feel discomfort, but if you ever experience pain or just plain hate what you’re doing, then do this one thing: STOP. You get to choose what exercise you will and won’t do.
Some additional reading:
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Be Active Program
- Workout of the Day
- Home workouts
- The Importance of Strength Training as You Age by Elizabeth Andrews
“Healthy adults 18-60 years old need seven or more hours of sleep per night, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society.” (source) The things that we do throughout the day affect our sleep patterns at night. So we need to create daytime practices to create the best possible conditions to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Consuming caffeine in the evening, overexposure to blue light, and eating large meals before bed all make getting adequate sleep more difficult.
The America Academy of Sleep Medicine provides a list of tips for getting better sleep below:
Some additional reading:
- Tips for Better Sleep Centers for Disease Control
- Healthy Sleep Habits – American Academy of Sleep Medicine
In order to change your health for the better, you need to be ready for change. You don’t know what you don’t know. But sometimes you do know, but you aren’t ready. Developing the mindset that will help you make positive changes is a process. It can be learned as long as you are open to be taught.
One of the things that can help is to learn about how you deal with expectations and your innate behavioral patterns. Several books can help in this regard including:
- The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People’s Lives Better, Too) Hardcover – September 12, 2017 by
- The Myers & Briggs Foundation – MBTI® Basics
- Free Personality Test | 16Personalities
- Enneagram Test and Results
Meditation & Sleep:
“Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.” (Source) Meditation can have positive effects on the mind and body especially when you are under stress. Because of job or family responsibilities some people are under constant stress. Incorporating meditation or other stress relieving practices can help move things in a positive way during your health journey. Meditation can be done through deep breathing practices, repeating mantras, or even deliberate, purposeful movement practices.
Some additional reading:
- 10 Recommended Meditation for Sleep Apps to Drastically Improve Sleep
Sleep Hygiene: The Importance of Building a Bedtime Ritual by Katherine Adamenko