I saw this image on the Spartan facebook today. It’s ironic that I saw it today because we had an interesting workout today.
7 Hanging Power Snatch
14 Sit Ups
21 Double Unders
14 min AMRAP
Fitness 75/55
RX 95/65
RX+ 1115/75 (DUs must be unbroken)
Most days when I see a WOD, I decide to do the workout Rx. Some days, I go for Rx+. And then there are the days that I like to call “fitness days”. The choice really depends on the skills in the WOD. If we have to do double unders or pull ups, I probably do fitness or something between fitness and Rx. If we have to do cleans, box jumps or running, I’m probably going for Rx or even Rx+. And I will shamefully admit that if I see that certain ladies have done Rx+, I’ll try it too.

August 7th, 2015
Coach Allie and Coach Blair jump on to talk about a few issues that ladies face when jumping into CrossFit. How to overcome intimidation and why being afraid of bulking up is just such BS.
But I really like the statement that this Spartan post makes. It’s really not about getting first place when others are involved. If you only compete with yourself, you’ll always be first. But balance is needed. Some days, doing your best is just enough. I was listening to the other day and something that one of the commentators said just stuck with me. She said that she works hard to be a great Rx athlete. She could do Rx+, which is usually competition level, but being really good at Rx is her main focus. I think that’s the approach I want to take.